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I appear to be unable to download this for some reason?

hey! thats weird, first time we're hearing it, any errors or something? I just tried and worked directly in:

This is what it gives me. Sorry, I don't know how legible this is

oh! is that using the app? never seen the window as I just uploaded a .zip file with the demo that you have to uncompress


I may have soft locked myself by accident (in the area where you get the shotgun), but it looks really cool and looking forward to the end result. Will there be background music at some point? It feels a little quiet through the level


First of all, thanks for playing KVLT's Demo! also great nickname ;)

In regards of the possible soft lock, have you tried destroying the wall with the Enchanted Fire of the Shotgun? (it's the secondary fire with Right Click, by default). It's also pretty useful for killing Nazis!

In regards of music yes! we're working on a rework of audio in general, some of it will come as updates for the demo and some of them will just be for the full game sometime in the future!

If you have any feedback feel free to join our Discord and share it with us, thanks!


I realized later what my issue may have been, not the game's fault!
Also yeah, big on lovecraft here, look forward to the full game!

Awesome, thanks for sharing :)


This looks awesome! I really like the dark grim look of it. Can't wait for a full release to show up!



Thanks for your words! To get the latest news on development you can join our discord server or follow us on Twitter!


Either I suck or it's really hard! (Probably the first option)
Loved what I've seen so far, looking forward to see where it goes from here!



Probably both! We want KVLT to be a challenging game, but we will be adding difficulty settings for the full game!